Life Advice





Asking Eric: Workplace ignored husband’s death

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: When I hear of a death in the family of someone I know, I send a sympathy card. I appreciated the many cards I received when my husband died, and one kind friend donated to a charity we support.

But when my mother died two years ago after a long incurable illness, I received just one card from a friend, and only a few verbal ...Read more

Good Father, Bad Husband

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I have been married for more than 24 years, and we have three wonderful daughters. My husband has always been a wonderful father and an OK husband.

However, he has always treated me with a lot of disrespect, and over the years, I always brushed it off because he was such a great dad to my daughters and because he provided everything...Read more

The Peace of a Desert Snow Day

I shook off the snowflakes and put the pumpkin roll in the Christmas gift bag in the passenger seat. The snow hadn't let up as I visited with a constituent whose daughter was a baker. Neither had the emails, but they were a similar sweet gift: meeting cancellations due to inclement weather.

It meant I had time to pick up the kids with my mom as...Read more

Asking Eric: Self-described people-pleaser fears disappointing therapist

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: I’m pretty sure I should seek therapy. As a longtime first responder with probable PTSD, plus recent marital issues and the recent deaths of a number of close loved ones, I feel the need to speak to an unbiased third party.

I’m not comfortable speaking with my spouse or friends because I’m the one they all come to, and they see...Read more

A New Approach to Thank-You Notes

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: "Numb and Lost" wrote to you regarding emotional detachment as a result of trauma and challenges in their life and struggles with finding proper therapy. As a 37-year-old male who has had difficulties and consequent challenges in therapy, I can relate.

In many ways, finding good therapy is its own battle, on top of the battle ...Read more

Asking Eric: Neighbors worry about unlicensed contractors next door

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: My husband and I live next door to a family that, when having work done at their house, tends to use low-wage, unlicensed workers. We found out they are getting their driveway repaved.

The men we saw with our neighbor were in an unmarked truck and may not be professional concrete workers. I said to my husband that if they start ...Read more

Retired Husband Refuses to Share the Load

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I am in a quandary. My husband (67) and I (65) are both retired; I do work from home two days a week for around seven hours or so a week now. He takes Social Security while I do not. He had no 401(k) to speak of. Me working now was to make up the difference.

My problem is my husband sees no problem or need to get a part-time job, ...Read more

Asking Eric: Serial monogamist gets lost in relationships with no time for friendship

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: My former best friend and longtime housemate is a serial monogamist and cannot go a couple weeks without being in a long-term relationship, usually having no more than two to three weeks in between very serious relationships.

This friend disappears fully into relationships with people who aren’t good to him, and it's impossible to ...Read more

Support Through Recovery: Finding the Right Balance

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I am a college student, and I just finished my finals for the fall semester and am now on winter break. Right toward the end of finals week, one of my professors had a medical emergency and had to miss our final day for surgery. My entire class sent her supportive emails, including me, but I find myself still worrying about her. ...Read more

Asking Eric: Son shuns parents’ guest at holiday dinner

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: My husband and I are seniors. We no longer host Thanksgiving and other holidays, as our youngest son has taken that on willingly. I still prepare a variety of dishes and baked goods which we take to his home.

He has a lovely, blended family now, and everyone converges to enjoy food and time together. It gets very loud, especially ...Read more

Navigating Family Jealousy Without Changing Your Lifestyle

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: My wife and I have been very blessed. We both were able to find and keep jobs in our chosen fields and worked through the years without any layoffs, slowdowns, serious illnesses, etc. We made good middle-income wages, and we always lived within our means while saving for retirement. We made some good investments along the way, and ...Read more

Single File: The Sincerest Remembrance

Life Advice / Single File /

DEAR SUSAN: I find myself in an unbelievable situation. My fiance died three months ago after a long battle with cancer. Six week later, his best friend's wife died after her own fight with the same kind of cancer. That friend was wonderfully supportive of me during my fiance's illness, phoning me every day and continuing to call to see how I ...Read more


Ask Anna: New year, same problems? Relationship ruts and starting fresh

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Dear Anna,

I moved to a new city for work last month, leaving behind a "situationship" that never quite became official. Now he’s texting wanting to try long distance, saying the new year made him realize what he wants, which is, evidently, me. I'm torn between giving this another chance and making a completely fresh start in my new home. ...Read more

Tero Vesalainen/Dreamstime/TNS

5 top tips for dating in 2025

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

After 13 years of helping people find love (and sometimes dodging a few bullets along the way), I’ve seen the dating landscape evolve dramatically.

Let’s look at five tips for navigating the dating world this upcoming year.

1. Curate your dating profile like it’s a first impression (because it is)

Your dating profile is your personal ...Read more

Asking Eric: Newly married couple feuds over loans to gambling friend

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: Six months ago, I eloped with a man I had been dating for two weeks. We are now expecting our first child together.

I am a student, and I work part time. He works full time. He has this friend that drinks and gambles. Every night my husband wants to go watch his friend gamble and drink (my husband doesn't really do either).

The ...Read more

Handling Unexpected Guests

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I have mobility issues and use a walker, so I'm mostly confined to my home. My son helps by taking me to the beauty salon and occasionally to the bank or pharmacy, but I spend most of my time at home.

Today, two ladies showed up at my door unexpectedly. I hadn't been up long and wasn't dressed for visitors, and my house was far ...Read more

Asking Eric: Friends never initiate social plans

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: My wife and I have a fair number of friend groups. We enjoy social gatherings, especially dinners out, with all the groups. But only one or two of the couples ask us out as much as we ask them.

The majority of the other couples only seem to go out with us when we initiate it, although they seem to go out frequently with other mutual ...Read more

Healing After Betrayal

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I have a difficult and deeply personal situation, and I would really appreciate your advice. My husband of two years left me on April 14, 2023, saying he wanted to build a home for us in California. The problem is, he made this decision without my knowledge or consent, and it feels like he abandoned me.

Since then, I've done ...Read more

Finding the Right Words

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I am a retired obstetrician-gynecologist, and over the years, I have had the privilege of counseling many women who have experienced the heartbreak of pregnancy loss. Whether through miscarriage, stillbirth or the birth of a child with defects incompatible with life, these losses are profoundly devastating.

One of the most painful...Read more

Millennial Life: The Price of Public Service

One of the most awkward aspects of running for office was the mandate that, at some point, I would need to cold call my entire friend list and ask them for money. Gross.

I had heard that my party had an established donor list to which I should have had access as a candidate, but that list never reached me. Instead, I was given the contact info ...Read more


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