Life Advice





Asking Eric: Husband says the wrong thing after sex

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: My husband and I have an active sex life. But, after sex, he says “Thank You”. I know he appreciates it, but I feel a bit cheap after hearing him say that. I would prefer something like "I love you". I've told him that, but he doesn't seem to understand. Am I being petty, or should I expect more?

– No Thank You

Dear No Thank ...Read more

Friend Uncomfortable With Party's Sexy Theme

Life Advice / Sense & Sensitivity /

DEAR HARRIETTE: I'm 19, and I was invited to a close friend's major milestone birthday party. Initially, I agreed to go, but I've since learned that the theme is "sexy Hollywood." The mood board my friend created and feels strongly about features tight, skimpy skirts and bralettes, which I'm not comfortable wearing. I prefer more low-key events ...Read more

My Emails Keep Disappearing Into The Void

Life Advice / Miss Manners /

DEAR MISS MANNERS: My children's school district is the first organization I've dealt with in my professional career in which employees routinely ignore their customers.

I make an effort to ensure that the person I'm reaching out to is the appropriate person for my question; I send a focused, respectful email, and I receive no response. In one ...Read more

Keep Your Relationship Problems Private

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: My boyfriend and I have been talking about moving in together for a very long time. I became pregnant and had our baby, but he didn't move in with me because he was upset that I was talking to other people about our problems.

Well, finally, almost a year later, he has moved in his dresser and bookshelf. But he is mad at me again ...Read more

Woman's Unorthodox Romance Has Unintended Consequence

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: A close male friend, "Will," ended our friendship without warning. I didn't know he had such strong feelings about my current arrangement. I have been dating a married man, "Bart," whose wife suggested he get himself a girlfriend if he wanted sex/intimacy/companionship. She also told him she would "never want to sleep with him again."...Read more

Asking Eric: New mom feels guilty over very late thank you notes

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: In spite of my best intentions, I have unfortunately been a poor gift receiver as of late. I had a baby last year, my first, and my family and friends blessed me so deeply as we prepared to receive him. I had not one, not two, but three(!) lovely showers given.

I truly did my best to keep up with thank you notes. I sent out the notes...Read more

Girlfriend Expects Partner To Spend Lots Of Money On Her

Life Advice / Sense & Sensitivity /

DEAR HARRIETTE: I'm starting to feel uneasy about my relationship with my girlfriend. We've been together for about a year now, and while I care for her, it seems like when we spend time together, it involves me spending money on her. Whether it's buying her meals or gifts or covering other expenses, there's always some sort of financial ...Read more

Awful People Behave Awfully

Life Advice / Miss Manners /

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I was invited to a shower for a friend's daughter's wedding. It was called a "suitcase" shower, meaning that everyone was asked to give a gift card since the bride lived out of town.

When they started opening the cards, the family slowly realized that they couldn't tell what people gave, or pass any gifts around to share, ...Read more

Solve Your Own Relationship Issues

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: My wife "Monica" has been having a mostly texting affair with "Mike" for almost two years. There are emails where they address each other with, "Hey, babe." It is disgusting. I accidentally discovered this years ago, and again recently after I thought they had not talked for years.

Upon this discovery, I texted Mike angrily -- he is...Read more

Girlfriend Rejects Proposal Offered With One Big Catch

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend's mom has dementia. He asked me and my kids to move in with him and said he would marry me. In exchange, he expected me to quit my job and take care of his mom. I felt it was a disaster waiting to happen, and taking care of someone with dementia while raising two teenagers was a terrible idea, so I refused.

He put his ...Read more

Asking Eric: Grandson’s name brings up grief for grandmother

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: My daughter is having her fourth child. She wants to name him after her brother who died of suicide three years ago. I'm not sure I'm ready for that but everyone says let her commemorate her brother. I don't know how I’ll feel holding this baby and calling him by my son’s name. It still hurts and I cry when I think about him. I ...Read more

Parent Seeks Guidance For Son's Educational Setbacks

Life Advice / Sense & Sensitivity /

DEAR HARRIETTE: My son, who is in his early 20s, has been kicked out of two different colleges. The reasons for his expulsions are difficult for me to talk about, but they've shaken my confidence in his future. He's always been smart, but somewhere along the way, things went off course, and now I'm not sure how to steer him back in the right ...Read more

Cousin Keeps Issuing Bait-And-Switch Dinner Invitations

Life Advice / Miss Manners /

DEAR MISS MANNERS: My cousin invited me for dinner on a Sunday night and asked me to bring wine and a dessert. When I got there, she said it had been a very busy weekend and she hadn't had time to cook.

She took me with her to a chain takeout place and bought one item that the sign said was for one to two people (her husband and daughter were ...Read more

Anxiety After Loss

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: My husband passed away in April after suffering for many years from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. I was his caregiver for over a year, along with hospice. It was very hard on me. Since he passed, I have been lost, depressed and have a lot of anxiety.

I don't have much of a support system because my family members have all ...Read more

Silence From Relatives Deepens Loss Of Mother

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: Two years ago, my mother developed a small nagging cough, and her overall health started to decline. She entered the hospital on a Monday and by the end of the week, she had passed away from a very aggressive form of lung cancer. We were very close, and I was devastated.

I prepared the obituary and also posted an announcement on ...Read more

Millennial Life: Reproductive Health Care Is a Human Right

In 2024, reproductive health care is at a critical juncture for women, and as a millennial, I've witnessed our rights erode over the years. For my generation, reproductive health care is not merely about access to birth control or abortion services. It's about bodily autonomy, equality, and the ability to shape our futures. We've seen strides ...Read more

Asking Eric: Foster parent wants to be done with drama

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: Twelve years ago, I was a foster parent for a 12-year-old. “Angel” was reunified with her father after a year and when that blew up, she came back to live with me.

At one point I petitioned the court and was granted legal custody. She has left and come back multiple times over the years.

Angel just had a baby and is struggling ...Read more

Tell Kids the Truth

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I am disabled and use a mobility device and oxygen due to emphysema, which was caused by my 30 years of cigarette smoking. I quit before my diagnosis, but it was too late.

One of the biggest issues concerns questions or comments from others. When I hear ignorant remarks from adults, I consider the source and move on. But I'd like to...Read more

Husbands Feel Out Of Place Dancing With Their Wives

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: I'm married, and in my mid-40s. My wife and I have a robust social life, for which we both feel very lucky and blessed. We have amazing friends who are a wonderful support system and with whom we go out regularly.

Lately, our wives have been wanting to go to dance clubs, where the majority of people are half our age. I'm the youngest...Read more

Asking Eric: Friend’s treatment of ailing cat is hard to take

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: Ordinarily, my friend is loving and affectionate to her middle-aged cat. She takes good care of him, with food, water, and attention. Today, she told me her cat has a condition that requires medical care, but she feels the vet just wants her money.

Instead, she is choosing a less costly homeopathic route, along with supplements and a...Read more