Do Just One Thing
Who would think that storing and sending PDF documents over email could place a significant strain on the environment? Image-heavy PDFs are large files, which puts a strain on servers storing documents in the cloud or sending them via email. So even though they’re paperless, they cause the consumption of a lot of energy. To help, always ...Read more
Do Just One Thing
It’s obvious that kitchen scraps like vegetable peels and eggshells are best composted and turned into beneficial mulch. But for those who can’t compost, which is the better option: the garbage disposal or the trash? It depends on where you live. If you live in a community where water is scarce, opt to throw those scraps into the trash. But ...Read more
Do Just One Thing
If you’re an avid composter, it may seem like a no-brainer to toss avocado skins and pits into the compost bin. And why not? They’re totally organic and biodegradable. But the reality is, avocado waste is very slow to decompose and can ruin your compost if you have too much rind in the mix. If you want to compost it, cut the peels into small...Read more
Do Just One Thing
When you’re filling your vehicle’s gas tank, don’t “top off” the car when the pump stops. When you do, you’re not only wasting gas, but you’re wasting money. Adding that little bit of extra gas increases the chance that excess fuel will simply evaporate in the atmosphere. And if your car is newer, it may have something called an �...Read more
Do Just One Thing
Did you know that nearly 15 billion single-use alkaline batteries are sold worldwide every year? When you're gifting an electronic item that needs a battery, consider upgrading to rechargeable. Unlike alkaline batteries, rechargeables can be reused up to 1,000 times before needing to be replaced. And these batteries often only take about 15 ...Read more
Do Just One Thing
Many of us use a hard plastic water pitcher that has a replaceable water filter attachment. These are useful to help transform your tap water into cleaner drinking water, but there are steps you should take to maintain it for long-term use. First, never scrub the pitcher with a tough scouring sponge; the scratched areas can create a breeding ...Read more
Do Just One Thing
Have you read the latest statistic that says humans may have enough microplastics in our bodies to equal that of a small spoon? It’s shocking, and it proves that plastics are everywhere. If you want to do one simple thing to significantly cut down on your consumption of microplastics, do this: Quit drinking from single-use plastic bottles. A ...Read more
Do Just One Thing
What's one simple thing you can do to help your refrigerator work as efficiently as possible? Cover your food. When your leftovers or pitchers of water are inside your fridge, they release moisture, and that moisture forces the compressor in your fridge to work harder to keep everything else inside cool. Use food storage containers with lids or ...Read more
Do Just One Thing
If you’re thinking of adopting a dog and really want to make sure you choose one that’s the best “climate friendly” breed, just look at their coat. Dogs with thick, heavy coats (think Siberian huskies) and those that have difficulty breathing with their short noses (like a French bulldog) do not do well in hot climates. Those with short ...Read more
Do Just One Thing
If you’re fastidious about mowing your lawn, this tip might be challenging, but try it anyway: Let the last few weeks of the mowing season pass without that chore. Grasses, wildflowers and even weeds that grow wild produce seed heads, which are essential food for birds in the fall and winter months. When birds are making their annual ...Read more
Do Just One Thing
It’s common knowledge that houseplants can help clean your indoor air. But did you know they can also “signal” for help? Aloe is an easy-care plant that can help purify the air inside your home, and it’s a powerhouse: It absorbs formaldehyde, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. However, when the toxicity of the air in your home is ...Read more
Do Just One Thing
Modern-day paper shredders do an excellent job of finely cutting, dicing and obliterating important documents so they are impossible to piece back together. While these shredders are great for protecting your privacy, they are terrible for the environment. When paper is cut into small pieces, the fiber sizes are reduced to the point of being non...Read more
Do Just One Thing
Are you a tea drinker? Your used tea leaves can give your plants a boost, too. Rip open tea bags and mix the leaves into potted and outdoor plants. They have nutrition like nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Plus, they help aerate the soil, improve the pH balance and can even deter pests like slugs and snails from eating away at your plants.
...Read more
Do Just One Thing
When it’s prom season in your community, you might remember some gowns, shoes and tuxedos that are stashed in your home. There are a lot of nonprofits that collect these items and distribute them to teenagers who otherwise could not afford them; search online to find them. You could also sell them online on sites like Poshmark for a reasonable...Read more
Do Just One Thing
It can be hard to detect air leaks where cold air is blasting inside during the winter months, but the United States Department of Energy has two easy tips to find out if there are leaks in your house. First, turn off all the indoor and outdoor lights, and shine a flashlight on potential gaps inside the house. Have someone outside to observe the...Read more
Do Just One Thing
Have you heard of “dark sky” outdoor light bulbs? This is a new way to keep your outdoor lights on without creating light pollution that can confuse migratory birds and sea turtles, who depend on the natural night sky to thrive. These LED bulbs emit a soft amber glow instead of a bright white light, so they're less disrupting but still ...Read more
Do Just One Thing
Millions of car seats for children are thrown away every year in the United States; they cannot be donated, due to safety recalls, wear and tear and laws that prevent them from being resold or reused. The good news is that the hard plastic, foam and metal used in their manufacture is recyclable. To recycle a car seat, visit recycleyourcarseat....Read more
Do Just One Thing
Do you start your car and let it idle when it's freezing cold outside, to allow the engine to "warm up"? While there is some valid reasoning around doing this, especially during the coldest temps, you don't need to do it for more than 30 seconds. Modern cars have improved fuel-injected engines that work perfectly well without idling your car for...Read more
Do Just One Thing
If you must use disposable paper plates, go with the most boring, uncoated, unprinted kinds. Party plates that come in bright colors with shiny coatings are not compostable or recyclable and can be expensive to purchase. Generic white paper plates or durable "Classic White" Chinet plates get the job done and can be tossed into the compost bin at...Read more
Do Just One Thing
If you love fragrances and want your perfumes to last longer, keep them out of the room where most of us display our bottles: the bathroom. Fragrances are susceptible to two things: light and temperature shifts. A bathroom heats up and cools down quickly when it's used (imagine hot shower steam filling the room), which warms up the perfume and ...Read more