/Home & Leisure
Everyday Cheapskate: Yesterday, I Turned Back Time
I reset my lawn sprinkler timer, which was more than an hour off due to the spring ritual known as daylight saving time. Rather than move it one hour ahead, I decided to let it run backward. It was mesmerizing to see time back up -- so much so that when I reached the desired time, I didn't stop. I let it go back another 24 hours and then another...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: Everything I Know About Negotiation I Learned in Order to Survive
Driven to save myself and my family from financial ruin, I jumped into the deep end of the industrial real estate industry. I knew nothing about negotiating. All I knew was that I had to close deals -- bringing interested parties together, getting them to agree and seeing that everyone walks away a winner.
I no longer sell real estate, but I ...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: Broke? Can't Save? Oh, Yes You CAN!
How's your health? Not your physical fitness, but your financial well-being. For most of us, how much we earn tells us how we're "feeling" financially. But your income is only one part of the equation. How much of your income do you actually keep?
Not very much, I'll bet. Your income is low, you say; you've got bills to pay. Rents are sky-high;...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: Spring Ahead!
Believe your eyes -- it's spring! Time to bid farewell to the snowblower, gas up the lawnmower and let the sunshine in (whether your allergies approve or not). And what better way to welcome the season than with a few simple money-saving tips to freshen up your home and yard?
Forget expensive window sprays -- your pantry has ...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: How to Freeze Eggs, Dairy Products and More
I'm sure my supermarket is not the only grocery store with an area in the back I call "My Bargain Bin." It's refrigerated and features some dandy bargains, especially on perishable items approaching that "sell by" date. There are no limits on the number of items I can load into my cart -- all of them with ridiculously low, rock-bottom prices.
...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: Who Needs Balance?
Dear Mary: What does it mean to "balance" my bank account? How do I do that? Why should I? I really appreciate you answering my question. I'm sure I should know this, but honestly, I don't. -- Josey
Dear Josey: This is a great question, and I'm sure you'd be surprised to know just how many of your fellow readers want to know the same thing!
To...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: Before You Jump Into HEL, Consider Your Options Very Carefully
Dear Mary: We have decided to pay off a bunch of bills and do some much-needed repairs on our house. Can you tell me the difference between a home equity loan and a home equity line of credit? Which would be better? -- Scott
Dear Scott: With a home equity loan, or a HEL, you walk away with a check for the full amount of the loan and a second ...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: Why Are We So Gullible?
The claims are so over the top, they practically sparkle. The messages flood in from every direction -- email, TV, radio, social media and sometimes even hand delivery by a very enthusiastic "friend."
"Make over half a million dollars every four to five months from home with a one-time investment of just $25!"
"Become a millionaire overnight -...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: What Is a Grace Period, and How Does It Work?
Dear Mary: Is there a law that says how long the grace period must be? (And if you don't mind, exactly what IS a grace period?) -- Justin
Dear Justin: In the world of lending and borrowing, the "grace period" is the number of days between the time you make a credit card purchase and when you will begin to pay interest on that short-term loan.
...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: Financial Harmony Is More About Trust Than Money
Dear Mary: My wife and I have been married for three years. She has memorized my credit card information.
This is my personal account, and she is not listed as an authorized user. However, she charges to it without my knowledge, and it's getting out of hand. About a year ago, I took a loan from my 401(k) and paid off the balance, only to have ...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: Homemade Ice Melt for Steps, Walkways and Driveways
Got ice and snow on top of super cold temperatures this winter? "Everyday Cheapskate" reader Jennifer does, and she wrote, "Do you have a solution for melting ice and snow on walkways, driveways, steps and windshields?"
I do, and at least one of these homemade recipes is sure to come to Jennifer's rescue, and quite possibly yours, too
All of ...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: 27 Grocery Shopping Tricks to Keep More Cash in Your Pocket
Next to your rent or mortgage payment, food is probably your biggest expense. Don't believe me? For the next 30 days, track every nickel you spend to feed your face, then tell me it doesn't add up to one boatload of cash-ola.
Every dollar you don't spend on food is a dollar you get to keep for something else -- like knocking down that student ...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: The Inside Buzz on Batteries
Little things mean a lot -- like the two words "batteries included." Just knowing they're in there somewhere means less hassle and one less thing to buy. But face it. The initial powering-up of a battery-operated device is a minor concern. It's the cost of keeping it going for years to come that should be considered.
The commercials are ...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: The Most Overlooked Type of Insurance
Insurance is a funny thing. You learn all you can, shop diligently, scrape together the money to pay for it and then hope you'll never have to use it.
In addition to health and automobile coverage, most people insure their lives so that in the event of their death, those who depend on their income will not be left high and dry.
Term life ...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: The Agony and Ecstasy of Getting Out of Debt
Dear Mary: We've just received notice that the rent on our three-bedroom house is going up from $950 to $1,200 a month. We were struggling before, so we really can't afford the increase. We have looked at an apartment community, where our rent would be around $850 a month.
I found another home that could be a great permanent family home. This ...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: 7 Ways to Repurpose Old Towels That You Probably Never Considered
Face it -- towels have a rough life. They start out all fluffy and full of promise, soaking up years of bathing and showers. Then, seemingly overnight, they turn into faded, scratchy threadbare rags that are one step away from being loofahs. But before you toss them in the trash (or shove them in the back of a linen closet for "later"), let's ...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: Fun (Cheap) Birthday Gift Ideas for Kids
Some time ago, I got a message from Elaine G., who had recently joined a mom's group. With all of her newly minted friendships, she and her child are getting invitations to lots of toddler birthday parties.
Her dilemma took me back to when our boys were small. Birthday parties for all their friends were challenging. That's why Elaine's message ...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: Will I Inherit My Parents' Debts?
This week, as I reached into the mailbag, I pulled out two questions, neither of them with easy answers. I was tempted to set them aside and try again, but I decided to tackle both, knowing that my letter-writers are not the only ones facing these kinds of financial situations.
Dear Mary: If my parents are in debt and they die, who pays the ...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: Without Trust, You Have Nothing -- in Money and in Life
Dear Mary: I have been dating a woman for about two years. Getting to know her, I have learned that she has significant financial problems that she has not told me about. I have found out by doing a little research on my own (public records, etc.).
This is a serious relationship. We are both divorced with children. Money issues were one of the ...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: Why Buying Brand-New Can Be a Financial Mistake (How to Score a Great Used Car Instead)
A reader recently wrote in with a question that pops up more often than dandelions in a spring lawn:
"I need a new car -- we want a Honda CR-V, but after looking at the used car listings, it looks like new might be a better deal, especially since it saves me from putting much money down."
To which I say no, no and NO! Unless you can pay cash ...Read more