


Could another revolution change the direction we’re going?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Every four years we have elections at the highest level of government. While some changes come – good or bad – we seem to be in commotion from something as simple as children’s sports to financial chaos. Could another revolution change the direction we’re going? – C.C.

A: The world is changing so fast that no one can really keep up with it. Students often only hear what is bad about the world. Many professors tantalize students declaring they “live in a messed-up world, so burn it down and start all over again.”

The environment that surrounds us crackles with conflict because we are looking to man to solve our problems, and no one can. The tragedy of our times is that we have used up all of our options and the questions, basic to life, are not being answered by worldly wisdom. This is because life’s fundamental problems are spiritual.

More than revolution is the need for regeneration, taking off the old hostilities and resentments and putting on the attributes of the only Person who can make everything new. This is the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ who is wisdom. “God gives wisdom and knowledge” (Ecclesiastes 2:26). Only He can bring relief to the chaos the world experiences. Let us remember that the world is a reflection of mankind. Until the human soul is regenerated, darkness remains.


The future does not hinge on the world situation, however grim it might be. It depends on what we do with what happened 2,000 years ago when Jesus died on the cross to cover the sins of the whole world. He shed His very blood and conquered death for each person who will receive His salvation. There is going on in the world today a quiet, bloodless revolution that brings hope. Listen only to the voice of the One who has the power to change lives.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2024 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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