


Why is it so wrong to put up with a little bad language to enjoy entertainment?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: My mother is legalistic and won’t allow me to watch certain shows because of the language. I hear bad language in school all the time but she doesn’t allow me to quit school. Why is it so wrong to put up with a little bad language to enjoy the entertainment? – L.W.

A: A story’s told of siblings who asked their father for money to go see a movie with their friends. Knowing the content of the movie was inappropriate, the father told them they couldn’t go. The teens debated their position by telling their father that there were only a few curse words and one minor immoral scene, but the rest of the movie was a cool adventure. The father refused to let them go. Sulking, they retreated to their rooms until they were called for supper.

Their mother then set a pan of freshly baked brownies smothered with creamy icing on the table. The father cut large squares and said, “Your mom has made your favorite dessert, but before you eat it you should know that I had her mix some manure into the batter.” The teenagers shoved the plates back and tilted away from the table. “How could you?” they moaned. “Oh, it’s just a little bit,” the dad answered. “Enjoy!” That lesson served as a reminder that it takes only a trifle to corrupt. Needless to say, the entire pan of brownies was thrown out.

Sinful people think they’re good, but we bear the seed of sin. It’s God who is good and gracious to forgive the sinner, planting the seed of holiness within people’s hearts. The Bible says that no one born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them and they cannot go on sinning (see 1 John 3:9). When God looks at the transformed person, He sees the redemptive work of His Son, who turns souls from darkness into His marvelous light.



(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2024 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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