


Is stubbornness sinful?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I admit that I am a stubborn person (my husband reminds me of it every day). I’m a Christian psychologist so I know that at the heart of being stubborn reveals having issues with authority. I even loathe myself sometimes when I display emotions of stubbornness, but had it not been for my ...Read more

How do we combat the tendency to run away from responsibility?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: As part of the aging baby boomer generation, how do we combat the tendency to run away from responsibility, even run away from a spouse or family? – E.N.

A: People react to aging in different ways. Some approach it with relief, yearning for its peace and freedom. Others greet it with mixed ...Read more

Are there examples in the Bible of people who followed God yet dealt with depression?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I deal with depression often and am more concerned about the frequency than the depression itself. I’m not sure if it is actually depression or discouragement. Maybe it’s just disappointment, but are there examples in the Bible of people who followed God yet dealt with these struggles? – D.A. ...Read more

Is just praying for others a good way to live?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I’ve been sick for a long time, unable to go to church, work or be active. Friends have challenged me to push and not give in, but I simply can’t. My heart was broken when they told me that just praying for others is no way to live. Yet it has been my lifeline. My soul is downtrodden. – H.S.

...Read more

What can I do to keep from becoming too self-righteous?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I come from an ambitious and successful family. I have four siblings; all doctors or lawyers – one sister is both. While I believe they love me, they are a bit embarrassed with my lack of ambition (in their words). After all, I am only a wife and mother raising five children who love the Lord and ...Read more

Why was Cain’s offering to God unacceptable?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Why was Cain’s offering to God unacceptable? Didn’t he give the best of the labor of his hands and isn’t this what God wants from us, to come just as we are and give our best? – M.W.

A: The song “Just as I Am” presents the strongest Biblical basis for the call of Christ. It repeats many...Read more

Why can't I live right?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I have tried very hard to live right but it is useless. Every time I have checked all the boxes on the good list, it seems I fall deeper into despair. I wish I had it in me to live the right way but I guess I’m hopeless! – W.H.

A: The devil wants us to think we’re hopeless – without Christ ...Read more

Why should a Christian have such a dull life?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I just returned from a trip to Disney World and it was a happy place to be. When I got home, it was depressing because living an average life is not so happy. I have friends that lead pretty exciting lives and I work hard to keep up with all their ...Read more

Does the Bible say the heart is wicked and evil?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I’ve been told that the Bible has a lot to say about the heart and that it is wicked and evil. This is disturbing, and if true, why is this? – W.E.

A: The Bible speaks very specifically about the human heart. It devises wicked imaginations (see Proverbs 6:18), is “deceitful above all things�...Read more

Is it a parent’s right to leave a word of instruction to their children as part of a will?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Is it a parent’s right to leave a word of instruction to their children as part of a will? It seems that they had a right to live their life as they saw fit and just because they are leaving something tangible upon their death should not give parents the right to cause children to feel guilty if ...Read more

Will the Earth self-destruct if God doesn’t intervene?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: There was a day when I thought it was ridiculous to think Jesus would come back to Earth someday. But the more time passes, it seems more believable because our world is on a journey that will have to come to a screeching halt because the world is out of control and no one has a clue what to do ...Read more

Is it right for parents to protect their children from those who are dying?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Is it right for parents to protect their children from those who are dying? My husband and I are caring for his parents in our home. They are both quite sickly and we have a lot of help – nurses and caregivers that give us tremendous support. They tell us that we should keep our children out of ...Read more

Why do older people often think their way is better?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Does the Bible have anything to say about the technology of today? My generation gets a lot of criticism for having our faces plastered to our devices, but I can’t imagine not having all of this information at our fingertips. I love technology but my parents said that if I don’t learn the old ...Read more

Why does God tolerate so many bad people in the Bible?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I’m told that if I want to be the right kind of person, read the Bible. And I do. The problem is that there are a lot of bad people in the Bible. I’m surprised that God would have allowed such terrible stories in His book as a way for people to live better lives. This doesn’t seem logical to ...Read more

What is the difference between reformation and transformation?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I’m working on my resolutions for this year and reading a lot about the reformation as it relates to the New Birth. What is the difference between reformation and transformation? – R.T.

A: The new birth is far more than reformation. Many people make New Year’s resolutions only to break them ...Read more

How can anyone possibly live up to what the Bible demands?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I don’t mind people believing the Bible but they shouldn’t insist on others believing it or cramming it down the throats of those who choose not to believe. Personally, I don’t see how anyone can possibly live up to what the Bible demands. There are just too many regulations, commands and laws...Read more

Doesn't God expect us to be kind, giving and loving?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I’m a softy when it comes to “feel-good books.” I love imagining a world filled with people who are always positive, always kind and never deceitful. Some of my friends tell me I’m living in a fairytale world. But isn’t this what God expects of us – to be kind, giving and loving? Isn’t...Read more

Why doesn’t the Bible tell more about Jesus as He was growing up?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Why doesn’t the Bible tell more about Jesus as He was growing up? It seems we can learn a lot about Him before He began His ministry. The silence is rather suspect. After all, what parent doesn’t like to talk about their children? Jesus had to be the perfect child, yet not much is said. – J.C....Read more

Isn’t God perfect in all He does?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I believe a false teaching is circulating among evangelical churches that we are to forgive God. Isn’t it the other way around – that we should pray for God to forgive us as He has forgiven our sin? If we say we should forgive God, doesn’t that imply that He has done something wrong? Isn’t ...Read more

What does it mean when the Bible says that the kingdom of God is within us?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I have friends who feel strongly that we are our own god and they use Bible verses to back up their claims. What does it mean when the Bible says that the kingdom of God is within us? – K.G.

A: In our flesh, we desire to be the rulers of our own lives. We foolishly attempt to build our own little...Read more


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