Health Advice



Is social networking making you irritable?

By Michael Roizen, M.D. and Mehmet Oz, M.D. on

You hear a lot about how harmful social media is to kids' and teens' emotional and mental health. (Studies correlate the increasing incidence of non-suicidal self-injury and suicide in young people with the ever-increasing influence of social media on daily living.) But did you know it's harming grown-ups, too?

A new study in JAMA Network Open reveals that adults who use social media more than once a day (some say they use it "most of the day"!) are much more irritable -- impatient, quick to anger, frustrated, and, for no particular reason, just not feeling content or happy.

Social media may affect you that way because you worry you don't measure up to standards being touted online for appearance, income, popularity or any other quality that is being praised.

Or your social media obsession may make you too sedentary -- you're not getting in your 10,000 steps a day or the equivalent. When you are active, you dispel stress, improve brain function, and get out into nature and/or interact with friends, which boosts your mood.

You may also be perseverating about world events that cause you distress. You can be well-informed without torturing yourself. Just say no to screen time.


But we aren't saying all social media is bad for you -- some online info is inspiring, enlightening, and empowering. Concentrate on that. Follow each of us on Instagram and take a look at our videos on Facebook and YouTube that offer you support and advice to improve your life today and tomorrow.

Dr. Mike Roizen is the founder of, and Dr. Mehmet Oz is global advisor to, the world's leading online health store. Roizen and Oz are chief wellness officer emeritus at Cleveland Clinic and professor emeritus at Columbia University, respectively. Together they have written 11 New York Times bestsellers (four No. 1's).

(c)2025 Michael Roizen, M.D.

Distributed by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

(c) 2025 Michael Roizen, M.D. Distributed by King Features Syndicate, Inc.



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