Published in Brain Teasers
A spoonerism is a pair of words that can have the initial sounds switched to form new words. For example, "loose morals" is a spoonerism for "moose laurels"(note that the pairs do not have to be spelled the same - only sound the same) From the definitions below can you figure out the following spoonerisms?
A quiz about a celebration....an irritating person that is never punctual
An irritated facial expression....The top of Mr. Avalon's head
A prideful diminutive insect....An ill-behaved sombrero
Hollandaise is one....Going from one side of the street to the other in a bad part of town
A party test....A tardy pest
Cranky frown....Frankie crown
A haughty gnat....A naughty hat
A creamy sauce....A seamy cross
Today's brain teaser courtesy of Braingle.com.